The Ultimate Guide to Prefabricated Building Strategies & Materials

14 March 2019

Prefabrication is one of the most popular trends in the construction industry worldwide. Prefabrication is an innovative construction strategy often associated with modular and offsite construction. These strategies make the construction process simpler and more efficient.

Therefore, the construction companies that have implemented prefabricated building strategies are in a better position than those that have yet to.

Here, we’ll introduce you to this strategy, the most common building strategies, and what materials are used in prefabrication.

What Is Prefabricated Building

So, what is prefabrication? Prefabrication consists of all the actions associated with making building components or even entire buildings on a remote, better-suited location.

Once these components and buildings are ready, they get transported to the final construction site. Construction workers then finish the construction by assembling the prebuilt components.

Prefabrication solves several major issues associated with managing construction sites in both urban and rural areas:

  • Removes the need for on-going material transportation
  • Minimizes the number of machines and equipment required
  • Decreases overall costs of the construction process
  • Reduces the time needed to finish the projects

The Common Prefabricated Building Strategies

Since it offers a number of benefits for general contractors, prefabrication is becoming a common strategy contractors pursue. But since it is so much different than other building methodologies it’s important to understand the basics of common prefabricated building strategies.

Detailed planning is essential

Managing a project with prefabricated components is simple as long as the planning is done right. Contractors have to know exactly which prefabricated components and buildings they need, because there is no room for post adjustments, apart from ordering new parts.

This is why job site measurements have to be accurate. On top of that, prefabrication takes some time and contractors have to plan several weeks in advance.

Identify the crucial components of your project

Not all construction projects are the same. Prefabrication can help in streamlining different aspects of projects, and contractors have to identify which part of the project they want to speed up with prefabrication.

The most important prefabricated building strategy is identifying the areas where prefabrication could increase productivity and efficiency the most.

Create a strategy that can be applied from project to project

Finally, we come to a strategy that makes planning and completing future projects easier. But it will take some time and experience with prefabrication before contractors are able to identify which prefabrication strategy can be reapplied in projects to come.

What Materials Are Use in Prefabrication

There are several materials used in prefabrication building, including concrete, steel, and wood. The type of material depends on the initial project plan and the type of construction.

Wood is commonly used in prefabrication building. Since it is light and easy to transport, it allows constructors to get entire prefabricated single or several story structures to the construction sites.

Steel and concrete have been introduced in prefabrication building a few years ago. Preconstructed buildings usually have a steel frame, steel wall panels, steel, and concrete floor decks.

As you can see, prefabrication offers a number of benefits. On top of that, it comes with countless possible uses. This is why it is safe to assume that the construction businesses will be turning to prefabrication even more frequently in the years to come. To find out how Focus can help with your prefabricated building project, reach out to us today!

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