What is Design-Build Construction?

10 April 2020

Design-build construction is a delivery model that ensures a seamless construction process. A design-build model operates under the idea that a construction company houses all components needed to take a project from start to finish.

It’s a rapidly growing philosophy throughout the construction industry as it avoids complications from multiple teams working on a project. Here we’ll discuss what exactly design-build construction is and how players in the construction and development industry can benefit from it:

What is the Best Description of Design-Build Construction?

In a traditional delivery model, an owner hires a contractor. This contractor may then also hire a subcontractor. An owner will also hire a designer who hires a sub-consultant. This system creates a complex array of outsourced components that causes unique challenges throughout the construction process.

Design-build construction companies employ both a designer and a contractor who work together as a team. Instead of working as separate components, a designer and a contractor work on a unified project that is then presented to the owner. This creates a collaborative process as opposed to the traditional fragmented process.

Why Choose Design-Build Construction?

Design-build firms eliminate the back and forth between contractors, subcontractors, architects, and more. Using this method, there is no blame put on different parties for factors like exceeding costs and schedule changes.

In addition to the elimination of blame, the design-build philosophy means there’s only one point of contact. Owners do not have to chase down multiple parties to get an answer.

This methodology creates a space for collaborative problem solving while saving time and money. The firm is also knowledgeable in every aspect of the construction and design process, which results in a realistic and accurate budget and helps avoid surprises.

Design-Build Methodology in Practice

Focus operates under an integrated delivery model, but recently utilized design-build practices within a project.

167 Green Street was the first building of its size in Chicago to utilize the new VRF HVAC system. This system is commonly used overseas. It utilizes advanced technology to give operators increased control of interior climate.

With the assistance of the design-build construction methodology, Focus was able to deliver this innovative solution to 167 Green Street. The collaborative project takes up less space and increases comfort as opposed to the AHU HVAC system.

Design-build is rapidly growing in popularity. It’s an efficient system that eliminates headaches for every player within the construction project, from general contractors to architects. We’re excited to see this methodology utilized more and more in the industry!

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